THE RIGHT FORK OF NORTH CREEK (Top-Down Canyoneering Route)
Route Information Photos 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
When you see a sign like this, you're probably going to have a good day (or two or three). |
A nice golden sunrise along the Wildcat Canyon Trail. |
After scrambling down off the trail, we find ourselves in Little Blue Creek... |
Some early morning downclimbing to get the blood flowing. |
Two 60-foot rappels get us to the bottom of the little canyon. |
Rappelling with big heavy packs... |
Soon enough, we join up with the main Wildcat Canyon. |
The hiking is fairly monotonous and irritating in the overgrown drainage. |
Broken lava rocks scattered on top of the sandstone. |
As the canyon opens up, the scenery starts to get more interesting. |
Looking back at the rugged scenery of upper Wildcat Canyon. |
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