SEPARATION CANYON (Separation Peak, Nippletop, Lonely Peak)
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A good view north from the top of Separation Peak. BUY PHOTO |
From the saddle of Separation Peak, we start to get a good view to the south. BUY PHOTO |
Nippletop Peak beckons to the west. (The nipple isn't visible from this spot.) This exposed Class 3 scramble is not recommended for casual hikers. BUY PHOTO |
A nice view along the ridgeline just south of Nippletop. BUY PHOTO |
Looking to the north; Keyhole Canyon and the Jughandle Arch are far in the distance. BUY PHOTO |
Facing the intimidating and dirty scramble to the top of the peak. BUY PHOTO |
USGS marker at the highpoint of Nippletop. BUY PHOTO |
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