THE CHINLE TRAIL (Petrified Forest Trail)
Hiking Guide Photos 1 2
The Zion National Park boundary gate near the start of the Chinle Trail. BUY PHOTO |
A view of Mount Kinesava from the south. BUY PHOTO |
The trail follows the shelves above Huber Wash before crossing over to the north. |
A nice view looking down Huber Wash to the south. BUY PHOTO |
A few samples of rock from the petrified forest. (IMPORTANT: Disturbing or removing any petrified wood samples is illegal.) |
A petrified section of tree slowly breaking apart. |
Near the old Scoggins Stock Trail, we get a great view of the majestic West Temple to the east. BUY PHOTO |
The desolate beauty of Coalpits Wash below. BUY PHOTO |
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