CLOUDS REST (via Sunrise Trailhead)
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A second big uphill push takes us onto the Clouds Rest ridgeline. BUY PHOTO |
Looking down an amazing granite chute into Tenaya Canyon. BUY PHOTO |
And an amazing section of granite slabs coming off of the peak... BUY PHOTO |
Nearing the exposed summit of Clouds Rest! The narrow slabs may be intimidating to some hikers... BUY PHOTO |
A group of hikers makes their way up to the summit. (Tenaya Lake, the starting point of this hike, can be seen far in the distance.) BUY PHOTO |
The classic viewpoint from the top of Clouds Rest. Half Dome has a very unique look from this angle. BUY PHOTO |
A closer look at Half Dome showing off the Subdome and the lighter line of the cables route. BUY PHOTO |
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