Canyoneering Guide Photos 1 2 3 4 5
Golden glow lights up the Barracks. BUY PHOTO |
Another beautiful turn in the East Fork of the Virgin River! BUY PHOTO |
Looking downstream to the exit point on the right. Many people miss this spot, so a GPS and map are quite useful. |
Around the corner from the exit point is the legendary Powell Plaque. BUY PHOTO |
The steep initial scramble out of Parunuweap. It's not a technical climb, but it could be intimidating to some. |
Within minutes, we are several hundred feet above the river. |
Hiking up and out the "Checkerboard Mesa Escape Route" -- four miles of beautiful uphill slog. Now it's time to pay the piper. |
VIEW THE CANYONEERING GUIDE! Return to the Greater Zion Area