Hiking Guide Photos 1 2
A great trailside view north with the Porcupines in the distance. BUY PHOTO |
The intersection of four trails on top of Dorr Mountain! BUY PHOTO |
The Dorr Mountain summit marker has an unusually large pile of rocks! Cadillac Mountain is in the background. BUY PHOTO |
A great view into the valley between Dorr Mountain and Cadillac Mountain. BUY PHOTO |
Heading down the Dorr South Ridge Trail. BUY PHOTO |
It's a steady descent through the different layers of the mountain. BUY PHOTO |
Once near the base of Dorr Mountain, the forest thickens. BUY PHOTO |
Hiking the Canon Brook Trail back to the trailhead past a pond created by an enormous beaver dam. BUY PHOTO |
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