Hiking Guide Photos 1 2
Rejoined with the Chinle Trail, we get a great view of the majestic West Temple to the east. BUY PHOTO |
Looking down at the desolate beauty of Coalpits Wash below. BUY PHOTO |
The Chinle Trail ends rather anticlimactically by descending into the sandy open Coalpits Wash. BUY PHOTO |
Heading downstream, we soon encounter Coalpits Spring: dripping walls in an undercut section of rock. BUY PHOTO |
A narrow canyon-like section as we descend to the next layer of rock strata. BUY PHOTO |
A little waterfall in the sea of boulders. BUY PHOTO |
A typical serene view in the lower sections of Coalpits Wash. BUY PHOTO |
Good light in Coalpits Wash. Once at the Coalpits Wash Trailhead, it's time to pay the piper and walk the road back to your car. BUY PHOTO |
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