Hiking Guide Photos 1 2 3
The view from the Pemetic Mountain summit marker is one of the best in Acadia. BUY PHOTO |
Blueberry bushes show off their intense autumn reds! BUY PHOTO |
Looking west down on the South Bubble and the North Bubble behind it to the right. High in the distance is Sargent Mountain. BUY PHOTO |
As the trail begins its descent down the north face, we get a glimpse of Eagle Lake to the north. BUY PHOTO |
And for our third lake view, the beautiful Bubble Pond can be seen to the east. BUY PHOTO |
The Pemetic North Ridge Trail descends back into the forested landscape of the lower elevations. BUY PHOTO |
Lovely scenery along the shores of Bubble Pond. BUY PHOTO |
Hiking the carriage road back to the Jordan Pond parking lot. BUY PHOTO |
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