Over 50 of my photographs were included in the Zion Natural History Association's Zion Adventure Guide, the new guidebook to visiting and hiking in Zion National Park. Since Zion is my favorite place on the planet to hike and photograph, I was extremely honored to be included and involved in this project.

Written by Greer Chesher and designed by Sandy Bell, this is a beautiful guidebook that provides visitors with information on the history, geology, and wildlife of Zion National Park, as well as information on logistics to visiting Zion and route descriptions for the more common trails in the park. And the photography isn't bad either! To purchase a copy of the Zion Adventure Guide, please see the Zion Natl Park Forver Project website.

Zion Adventure Guide cover

Sample Photos:

Deertrap MountainAngels Landing TrailSandbench Loop Zion NarrowsConnector TrailKolob Arch Angels LandingCougar MountainEast Temple Loop

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Please note: This web site and all images on this site are the property of CitrusMilo Adventures ©2025. Unauthorized public or commercial use of any of the images or text on this website without explicit permission is strictly forbidden.